Cavity optomechanics, a promising platform to investigate macroscopic quantum effects, has been widely used to study nonreciprocal entanglement with the Sagnac effect. Here, we propose an alternative way to realize nonreciprocal entanglement among magnons, photons, and phonons in a hybrid cavity-magnon optomechanics, where the magnon Kerr effect is used. We show that the Kerr effect gives rise to a magnon frequency shift and an additional two-magnon effect. Both of them can be tuned from positive to negative via tuning the magnetic field direction, leading to nonreciprocity. By tuning system parameters such as magnon frequency detuning or the coefficient of the two-magnon effect, bipartite and tripartite entanglements can be nonreciprocally enhanced. By further studying the defined bidirectional contrast ratio, we find that nonreciprocity in our system can be switched on and off, and can be engineered by the bath temperature. Our proposal not only provides a potential path to demonstrate nonreciprocal entanglement with the magnon Kerr effect, but also opens a direction to engineer and design diverse nonreciprocal devices in hybrid cavity-magnon optomechanics with nonlinear effects.