The trend to use PVDF based piezoelectric loudspeakers (PPLs) in sophisticated technologies is growing. But the fidelity and Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of such transducers is much lower and currently unable to replace the conventional loudspeakers. Here, we report a high SPL of PVDF-based ferroelectric origami loudspeaker (PMOL) fabricated from molecularly well mixed and homogenized ferroelectric membranes (FEMs) folded in an origami structure. The output of PMOL can be compared with conventional 3-D stereo loudspeakers and its SPL is correlated with the coexistence of percentage of α & ß phases in XRD spectra, dielectric and polarization characteristics in polarization hysteresis loop. The active and passive noise cancelation is also performed at various frequencies. It is reported that 0.1 ≤ λ ≤ 0.9 PMOL transducer (for λ=0.7) can transmit the high intensity sound i.e. SPL= 117 dB-SPL and cancel the ambient noise by − 7 dB-SPL (for λ = 0.3) due to its higher space charge polarization, lower dielectric relaxation and native antiferroelectric characteristics. Such foldable loudspeakers are well suited for space exploration due to its light weight and high SPL.