The current study provides a novel method of assessing the impact of nighttime parenting practices on youth sleep health during the sensitive transition from childhood to adolescence (ie., peri-puberty). Specifically, we aimed to advance the measurement of nighttime parenting by developing a conceptually driven questionnaire for use in research and clinical settings. A total of 625 parents (67.9% mothers) of peripubertal youth (age M = 11.6, SD = 1.31) were recruited online and completed self-report questionnaires. The sample was primarily White (67.4%), followed by 16.5% Black, 13.1% Latinx, and 9.6% Asian. Factor structure was examined through four empirically-driven stages (ie, exploratory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analyses, examining internal and test–retest reliability, and indices of validity). Furthermore, the current study sought to validate nighttime parenting as a unique construct by exploring associations with peripubertal youth sleep health. A factor structure consisting of six dimensions of nighttime parenting was established (ie, nighttime supportiveness, hostility, physical control, limit-setting, media monitoring, and co-sleeping behaviors). Furthermore, the current measure demonstrated strong psychometric properties. Finally, the established dimensions were cross-sectionally associated with youth sleep health indices. This study extends previous research by examining the influence of distinct domains of parenting practices that specifically occur at nighttime and how these differentially relate to youth sleep health. Results suggest that intervention and/or prevention programs targeting sleep should place emphasis on fostering positive parenting at nighttime as a strategy for creating an evening environment that is conducive to optimizing youth sleep health.