Accurately adjusted phenothiazine conformations: reversible conformation transformation at room temperature and self-recoverable stimuli-responsive phosphorescence
Abstract Conformational flexibility is essential to the stimuli-responsive property of organic materials, but achieving the reversible molecular transformation is still challenging in functional materials for the high energy barriers and restriction by intermolecular interactions. Herein, through the incorporation of various steric hindrances into phenothiazine derivatives with different positions and quantities to tune the molecular conformations by adjustable repulsive forces, the folded angles gradually changed from 180° to 90° in 17 compounds. When the angle located at 112° with moderated steric effect, dynamic and reversible transformation of conformations under mechanical force has been achieved for the low energy barriers and mutually regulated molecular motions, resulting in both self-recoverable and stimuli-responsive phosphorescence properties for the first time. It opened up a new way to realize the self-recovery property of organic materials, which can facilitate the multi-functional property of smart materials with the opened avenue for other fields with inspiration.