Biochar colloids entering the soil undergo aging over time and exhibit strong capabilities in adsorbing and transporting pollutants. Therefore, investigating the cotransport of aged biochar colloids and thallium (Tl(I)) in quartz sand media is crucial for understanding Tl(I) migration in underground environments. This study investigated the migration of biochar colloids with two different aging degrees and Tl(I) in quartz sand media at various pH and ionic strengths (ISs). The results revealed that under all ISs and pH, 30%AWB (biochar aged with 30 % (w/w) HNO3) inhibited Tl(I) migration in media. This inhibition primarily arose from the introduction of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups during aging, which significantly enhanced colloid adsorption onto Tl(I). At lower ISs, 30%AWB colloids exhibited greater inhibition of Tl(I) migration due to their increased adsorption capacity. Additionally, aging promoted the migration of biochar colloids in the media. Greater biochar aging notably enhanced this promotion, potentially owing to reduced colloidal particle size and the formation of biochar derivatives. Moreover, 50%AWB (biochar aged with 50 % (w/w) HNO3) inhibited Tl(I) migration under low ISs but had almost no impact under high ISs. Nonetheless, at high pH, 50%AWB colloids facilitated Tl(I) migration. This phenomenon might be attributed to the inhibitory effect of aged biochar colloids on Tl(I) adsorption onto media at a high pH, as well as the stable binding between Tl(I) and aged biochar colloids. This study discusses the cotransport of biochar with various degrees of aging and Tl(I) in media, providing insights into remediating soils contaminated with Tl.