Effects of Abelmoschus manihot gum content, heating temperature and salt ions on the texture and rheology properties of konjac gum/Abelmoschus manihot gum composite gel
To improve the gelling property of konjac gum (KGM) and enhance the application value of Abelmoschus manihot (L.) medic gum (AMG), a novel type of gel was prepared using KGM and AMG in this study. The effects of AMG content, heating temperature and salt ions on the characteristics of KGM/AMG composite gels were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), zeta potential, texture analysis and dynamic rheological behavior analysis. The results indicated that the AMG content, heating temperature and salt ions could affect the gel strength of KGM/AMG composite gels. Hardness, springiness, resilience, G', G* and η* of KGM/AMG composite gels increased when AMG content increased from 0 to 2.0 %, but they decreased when AMG increased from 2.0 % to 3.5 %. High-temperature treatment significantly enhanced the texture and rheological properties of KGM/AMG composite gels. The addition of salt ions reduced the zeta potential absolute value and weakened the texture and rheological properties of KGM/AMG composite gels. Furthermore, the KGM/AMG composite gels could be classified as non-covalent gels. The non-covalent linkages included hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions. These findings would help understand the properties and formation mechanism of KGM/AMG composite gels and help improve the application value of KGM and AMG.