Nicola Di Lorenzo,Stavros A. Antoniou,Rachel L. Batterham,Luca Busetto,Daniela Godoroja,Angelo Iossa,Francesco Maria Carrano,Ferdinando Agresta,Isaías Alarcón,Carmil Azran,Nicole D. Bouvy,Carmen Balagué Ponz,Maura Buza,Cătălin Copăescu,Maurizio De Luca,Dror Dicker,Angelo Di Vincenzo,Daniel Moritz Felsenreich,Nader Francis,Martin Fried,B Gonzalo Prats,David Goitein,Jason C. G. Halford,Jitka Herlesová,Marina Kalogridaki,Johannes C.F. Ket,Salvador Morales‐Conde,Giacomo Piatto,Gerhard Prager,Suzanne Pruijssers,Andrea Pucci,Shlomi Rayman,Eugenia Romano,Sergi Sánchez-Cordero,Ramón Vilallonga,Gianfranço Silecchia
Surgery for obesity and metabolic diseases has been evolved in the light of new scientific evidence, long-term outcomes and accumulated experience. EAES has sponsored an update of previous guidelines on bariatric surgery.A multidisciplinary group of bariatric surgeons, obesity physicians, nutritional experts, psychologists, anesthetists and a patient representative comprised the guideline development panel. Development and reporting conformed to GRADE guidelines and AGREE II standards.Systematic review of databases, record selection, data extraction and synthesis, evidence appraisal and evidence-to-decision frameworks were developed for 42 key questions in the domains Indication; Preoperative work-up; Perioperative management; Non-bypass, bypass and one-anastomosis procedures; Revisional surgery; Postoperative care; and Investigational procedures. A total of 36 recommendations and position statements were formed through a modified Delphi procedure.This document summarizes the latest evidence on bariatric surgery through state-of-the art guideline development, aiming to facilitate evidence-based clinical decisions.