Two-dimensional (2D)-structured photocatalysts with atomically thin layers not only have the potential to enhance hydrogen generation efficiency but also allow more direct investigations of the effects of surface terminations on photocatalytic activity. Taking 2D Bi2WO6 as a model, we found that the configuration of bilayer Bi2O2 sandwiched by alternating WO4 layers enabled the thermodynamic driving potential for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Without Pt deposition, the H2 generation efficiency can reach to 56.9 μmol/g/h by 2D Bi2WO6 as compared with no activity of Bi2WO6 nanocrystals under simulated solar light. This configuration is easily functionalized by adsorption of Cl-/Br- to form Bi-Cl/Bi-Br bonds, which leads to the decrease of recombination in photogenerated charge carriers and narrower band gaps. This work highlights an effective way to design photocatalysts with efficient hydrogen evolution by tuning the surface terminations.