Hydroxilation of aromatic compounds is an oxidative process that has been employed as indirect method to quantify the produced hydroxyl radicals during an advanced oxidation process (●OH). This is usually complicated by the radical high reactivity and short life time and therefore a scavenging agent such as salicylic acid is commonly employed. This usually implies a rather sophisticated analytical method such as chromatography. In this work, however, a relatively simple and low cost method is proposed to achieve the aforementioned objective. This method is based on UV-Vis spectrophotometry and was employed to quantify the hydroxyl radicals produced during the electrochemical oxidation of water when employing a platinum anode in a galvanostatic type process. Salicylic acid was employed as ●OH scavenger. The concentration of the hydroxilated resulting products, 2,3-dihidroxybenzoic Acid and 2,5-dihydroxibenzoic Acid, was determined by UV-Vis Spectroscopy and utilized to quantify the hydroxyl radicals. In addition, mineralization was followed by Chemical Oxygen Demmand measurements.