Abstract Recent behavioral studies indicate that emotion counter‐regulation automatically allocates attention to events that are opposite in the valence to the experienced emotional state. The present study explored the effect of emotion counter‐regulation on response inhibition by using ERPs in a go/no‐go paradigm. We recruited 58 subjects and randomly assigned them to either the angry priming group (watching Nanjing Massacre movie clips) or the neutral priming group (watching “mending a computer” movie clips). The behavioral results revealed that participants in the angry priming group responded significantly more accurately to go happy and no‐go angry faces than go angry and no‐go happy faces. The analyses of ERPs revealed that the amplitudes of the no‐go N2 and no‐go P3 were significantly larger for the happy faces than for the angry faces in the angry priming group. However, no such effects were found in the neutral priming group. These results suggest that highly aroused angry emotion could prompt a priority response to happy emotion stimuli and restrict the responses to angry emotion stimuli through emotion counter‐regulation.