Academy of Management ReviewIn-Press DialogueThe Ghost in the Machine, or the Ghost in Organizational Theory? A Complementary View on the Use of Machine LearningDirk Lindebaum and Mehreen AshrafDirk LindebaumGrenoble Ecole de Management and Mehreen AshrafCardiff Business SchoolAccepted by Donald E. ConlonPublished Online:15 Dec 2023https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2021.0036AboutSectionsView articleView Full TextPDF/EPUB ToolsDownload CitationsAdd to favoritesTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail View articleREFERENCESBalasubramanian, N., Ye, Y., & Xu, M. 2022. Substituting human decision-making with machine learning: Implications for organizational learning. Academy of Management Review. Google ScholarBansal, P., Smith, W. K., & Vaara, E. 2018. New ways of seeing through qualitative research. Academy of Management Journal, 61: 1189–1195.Link , Google ScholarBartunek, J. M. 2020. Theory (what is it good for?). Academy of Management Learning & Education, 19: 223–226.Link , Google ScholarEckert, S., Strozyk, J., Bafas, I., Harlan, E., Khamis, S., Schnuck, O., & Schöffel, R. 2021. Polizei nennt Nationalitäten regional sehr unterschiedlich [Big differences in police reports on nationalities]. Panorama 3 [German news series]. Retrieved from https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/panorama3/Polizei-nennt-Nationalitaeten-regional-sehr-untersch iedlich,polizeimeldungen102.html Google ScholarGuba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. 1994. Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In N. K. DenzinY. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research: 105–117. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Google ScholarLawson, T. 2019. The nature of social reality—Issue in social ontology. New York, NY: Routledge. Google ScholarLeavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C. M. 2020. Ghost in the machine: On organizational theory in the age of machine learning. Academy of Management Review. Forthcoming. Google ScholarLindebaum, D. 2023. Management learning and education as 'big picture' social science. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Forthcoming. Google ScholarLindebaum, D., Moser, C., Ashraf, M., & Glaser, V. L. 2023. Reading the technological society to understand the mechanization of values and its ontological consequences. Academy of Management Review, 48: 575–592. Google ScholarLindebaum, D., Moser, C., & Islam, G. n.d. Point essay: Big data, proxies, algorithmic decision-making and the future of management theory. Journal of Management Studies. Forthcoming. Google ScholarLindebaum, D., Vesa, M., & den Hond, F. 2020. Insights from "the machine stops" to better understand rational assumptions in algorithmic decision making and its implications for organizations. Academy of Management Review, 45: 247–263.Link , Google ScholarLindebaum, D., & Wright, A. L. 2021. From the editors: Imagining scientific articles and essays as productive co-existence. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Google ScholarMoser, C., den Hond, F., & Lindebaum, D. 2022. Exemplary contribution: Morality in the age of artificially intelligent algorithms. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Google ScholarPolizei nennt Nationalitäten regional sehr unterschiedlich. n.d. NDR. Google ScholarPratt, M. G., Kaplan, S., & Whittington, R. 2020. Editorial essay: The tumult over transparency: Decoupling transparency from replication in establishing trustworthy qualitative research. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65: 1–19. Google ScholarSuddaby, R. 2014. Editor's comments: Why theory? Academy of Management Review, 39: 407–411.Link , Google ScholarVon Wright, G. H. 1971. Explanation and understanding. New York, NY: Cornell University Press. Google ScholarFiguresReferencesRelatedDetails In-Press Permissions Metrics in the past 12 months History Published online 15 December 2023 Information© Academy of Management ReviewAcknowledgmentsA dialogue piece written for AMRDialogue in response to: Leavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C. M. 2020. Ghost in the machine: On organizational theory in the age of machine learning. Academy of Management Review.Download PDF