Background: Pyrazinamide (PZA) represents a milestone as a first-line antituberculosis drug due to its sterilizing activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Materials & Methods: The protein changes induced by subinhibitory PZA exposure of M. tuberculosis in acidic pH were evaluated by a proteomic approach. Results: Among the 1059 M. tuberculosis proteins identified, the specific acidification in the culture medium induced the over-representation of MurF (Rv2157c), and its underrepresentation was induced by 12 h of PZA exposure. PanB (Rv2225) was over-represented at 24 h of PZA exposure. Conclusion: The authors highlight the over-representation of PanB in M. tuberculosis correlates of PZA action in acidic pH, reinforcing the role of the pantothenate pathway as a bacillus drug target to be explored.