Documento de posicionamiento. Recomendaciones del grupo español de trabajo en enfermedad de Crohn y colitis ulcerosa (GETECCU) sobre el tratamiento de la estenosis en la enfermedad de Crohn
Despite pharmacological advances, strictures in Crohn's disease (CD) continues to be an important problem that leads in a high percentage of patients to undergo endoscopic and/or surgical treatments. There are currently no clinical scores or diagnostic tools that allow predicting which patients will develop this complication, and when a stricture is diagnosed, it is usually already well established and clinically relevant. The current role of pharmacological treatment is limited to treat inflammation and once there is significant fibrosis, the only therapeutic options are endoscopic and/or surgical. To establish a correct therapeutic algorithm and based on the current scientific evidence available, the Spanish Group Working on Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (GETECCU) has decided to conduct this position statement on the treatment of strictures in CD. This document embraces the three mentioned therapeutic approaches, medical, endoscopic and surgical. Recommendations and therapeutic algorithms are established to help us to choose the most appropriate option based on the characteristics of the stricture and the patient.