Ventricular arrhythmias ablated successfully in the subvalvular interleaflet triangle between the right and left coronary cusps: Electrophysiological characteristics and catheter ablation
Zhuo Liang,Xu Liu,Xialing Li,Tao Zhang,Xuejun Ren,Yongquan Wu,Yunlong Wang,Changsheng Ma
Ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) ablated successfully at the right-left subvalvular interleaflet triangle (R-L ILT) between right and left coronary cusps have not been fully characterized.The purpose of this study was to investigate the electrophysiological characteristics of these VAs and their relationships with the left ventricular (LV) summit.Twenty-eight VAs ablated successfully at the R-L ILT were studied.Ninety-six percent of VAs had an early precordial electrocardiographic transition. R-wave amplitude in lead V1 was relatively high (RS morphology, R-wave amplitude 0.35 ± 0.09 mV; R/S ratio 0.35 ± 0.27), whereas the morphology of lead I was R-shaped in 71% and M-shaped in 50% of VAs. Earliest potential was recorded at the R-L ILT in 13 of 28 patients and the left pulmonary sinus cusp (LC) in 6 of 28 patients. Mapping the summit communicating vein (summit-CV) failed because of anatomic or instrumental limitations in these 19 patients. In the other 9 patients, earliest potential was successfully recorded at the summit-CV, while perfect pacemapping was achieved. Poor pace mapping was achieved at the R-L ILT or LC in most patients (27/28). Target site was located at the top of the R-L ILT in all cases. A presystolic potential was present at the target site in 18 of 28 patients. A U-curve via the retrograde method was conventionally used to reach the top of the R-L ILT.VAs ablated successfully at the R-L ILT have unique electrophysiological characteristics, and R-L ILT may be an endocardial anatomic ablation target for VAs originating from the base of the LV summit.