Survey of Allahabad fruit markets was conducted and 5 pathogens (Pestalotia psidii, Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata, Rhizoctonia solani & Cladosporium sp.) were found associated with post-harvest diseases of guava and Pestalotia psidii was isolated from all the fruit markets surveyed. Maximum pathogen frequency was recorded for Pestalotia psidii (36.4%) followed by Aspergillus niger (22.9%), Alternaria alternata (15.6%), Rhizoctonia solani (15.5%) and minimum frequency was recorded for Cladosporium sp. (14.5%). Maximum inhibition of the radial growth of Pestalotia psidii was recorded in carbendazim and benomyl. Fruits treated with carbendazim at 0.1% resulted in significant reduction in the incidence of fruit canker disease, maintained quality and increased the shelf life when stored at ambient temperature for 10 days.