La$_{1.5}$Ba$_{0.5}$CoMnO$_{6}$ is a re-entrant cluster glass material exhibiting a robust negative exchange bias (EB) effect even after being cooled from an unmagnetized state down to low temperature in zero magnetic field. Here we thoroughly investigate this phenomena by performing magnetization as a function of applied field [$M(H)$] measurements at several different temperatures and maximum applied magnetic fields ($H_m$). The spontaneous EB (SEB) effect is observed below 20 K, and shows a maximum value for $H_m$ = 75 kOe. The effect is greatly enhanced when the $M(H)$ curves are measured after the system is cooled in the presence of a magnetic field. The asymmetry of the $M(H)$ curves here investigated can be well described by a recently proposed model based on the unconventional relaxation of the SG-like moments during the hysteresis cycle.