China has entered an aging society since 1999. By the end of 2017, the number of persons aged ≥60 years had increased to 240.90 million. At present, the average life expectancy of China's population is 76.4 years, and the healthy life expectancy is around 68.7 years, which means that the elderly will be accompanied by disease for about 8 years. The main health problems of the elderly in China include increased prevalence of chronic diseases, increased prevalence of disability, insufficient attention to older persons' mental health and area specific differences in the health level of the elderly. The disease status of the elderly cannot be ignored. Strengthening the medical services in western and rural areas, emphasizing the psychological and mental concern for the elderly, formulating unified health evaluation criteria, promoting a new model of medical and nursing care combination, establishing an elderly security system with equal responsibilities and rights, jointly managing under the cooperation of whole society and multi-dimensions to protect the health of the elderly are essential to the construction of an active ageing society in China and the realization of the strategic goal of healthy China.1999年我国进入老龄化社会,截至2017年底,全国≥60周岁老年人口2.4亿人。目前,我国人均预期寿命76.4岁,健康平均预期寿命约68.7岁,提示老年人将会有8年左右的时间与疾病相伴;其主要特征表现为,慢性病患病率呈上涨趋势,失能老年人不断增加,老年人心理状况关注度不够,而且老年人健康水平呈现地区差异。老年人患病现状不容忽视,加强西部和农村地区医疗服务水平,提升对于老年人心理和精神关注,制定统一评价标准促进健康评估,推进新型医养结合模式,建立责权对等的老年保障体系,全社会、多维度齐抓共管保障老年人健康,对我国积极应对老龄化社会的构建,实现健康中国战略目标至关重要。.