Objective.We investigate the use of 3D convolutional neural networks for gamma arrival time estimation in monolithic scintillation detectors.Approach.The required data is obtained by Monte Carlo simulation in GATE v8.2, based on a 50 × 50 × 16 mm3monolithic LYSO crystal coupled to an 8 × 8 readout array of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). The electronic signals are simulated as a sum of bi-exponentional functions centered around the scintillation photon detection times. We include various effects of statistical fluctuations present in non-ideal SiPMs, such as dark counts and limited photon detection efficiency. The data was simulated for two distinct overvoltages of the SensL J-Series 60 035 SiPMs, in order to test the effects of different SiPM parameters. The neural network uses the array of detector waveforms, digitized at 10 GS s-1, to predict the time at which the gamma arrived at the crystal.Main results.Best results were achieved for an overvoltage of +6 V, at which point the SiPM reaches its optimal photon detection efficiency, resulting in a coincidence time resolution (CTR) of 141 ps full width at half maximum (FWHM). It is a 26% improvement compared to a simple averaging of the first few SiPM timestamps obtained by leading edge discrimination, which in comparison produced a CTR of 177 ps FWHM. In addition, better detector uniformity was achieved, although some degradation near the corners did remain.Significance.These improvements in time resolution can lead to higher signal-to-noise ratios in time-of-flight positron emission tomography, ultimately resulting in better diagnostic capabilities.