This paper proposes a new and efficient color image encryption algorithm based on multiple chaotic maps (Logistic map, Sine map, and Chebyshev map) and the intersecting planes method inside a cube. All maps were used to fill the three adjacent faces of the cube. These faces represent the three channels of the color image (red, green, and blue). The first phase of our method begins with extracting all the pixels from the original image and looking for the corresponding values of each pixel on the three faces of the cube. Then, we used a circular rotation operation based on the position of each pixel (row, column). This rotation prevents two identical pixels to have the same encrypted value. Afterward, we used the intersecting planes method with the corresponding face to encrypt the pixels. For the confusion part, we chose the 2D transformation Arnold Cat Map to shuffle all the pixels and change their positions according to the parameters calculated from all the pixels of the original image. We evaluated the performance of our algorithm against various differential and statistical attacks and based on multiple factors, such as histogram, entropy, correlation coefficient, UACI, NPCR, and PSNR. We compared the proposed method with several efficient methods in the field. The various results got by our method show its performance and reliability in terms of safety, precision, confidentiality, and robustness.