In this paper, we prove the existence and stability of subsonic flows for steady full Euler-Poisson system in a two dimensional nozzle of finite length when imposing the electric potential difference on non-insulated boundary from a fixed point at the entrance, and prescribing the pressure at the exit of the nozzle. The Euler-Poisson system for subsonic flow is a hyperbolic-elliptic coupled nonlinear system. One of the crucial ingredient of this work is the combination of Helmholtz decomposition for the velocity field and stream function formulation together. In terms of the Helmholtz decomposition, the Euler-Poisson system is rewritten as a second order nonlinear elliptic system of three equations and transport equations for entropy and pseudo-Bernoulli's invariant. The associated elliptic system in a Lipschitz domain with nonlinear boundary conditions is solved with the help of the estimates developed in [2] based on its nice structure. The transport equations are resolved via the flow map induced by the stream function formulation. Furthermore, the delicate estimates for the flow map give the uniqueness of the solutions.