Dieter Mesotten,Koen Joosten,Anne A. M. W. van Kempen,Sascha Verbruggen,Christian Braegger,Jiří Bronský,Wei Cai,Cristina Campoy,Virgilio P. Carnielli,Dominique Darmaun,Támas Décsi,Magnus Domellöf,Nicholas D. Embleton,Mary Fewtrell,Nataša Fidler Mis,Axel Franz,Olivier Goulet,Corina Hartman,Susan Hill,Iva Hojsak,Simona Iacobelli,Frank Jochum,Sanja Kolaček,Berthold Koletzko,Janusz Książyk,Alexandre Lapillonne,Szimonetta Lohner,Krisztina Mihályi,Walter A. Mihatsch,Francis Mimouni,Christian Mølgaard,Sissel J. Moltu,Antonia Nomayo,Jean Charles Picaud,Christine Prell,John Puntis,Arieh Riskin,Miguel Sáenz de Pipaón,Thibault Senterre,Raanan Shamir,Venetia Simchowitz,Peter Szitányi,Merit M. Tabbers,Chris H.P. van den Akker,Johannes B. van Goudoever,Anne A. M. W. van Kempen,Sascha Verbruggen,Jiang Wu,Wei Yan
Tabled 1Table: Recommendations for carbohydratesR 5.1The amount of glucose to be provided by PN should be guided by [1] the balance between meeting energy needs and the risks of overfeeding/excess glucose load [2], phase of illness (acute, stable, recovery/growing) [3], macronutrient supply by enteral and parenteral nutrition, and [4] glucose administered outside enteral and parenteral nutrition, e.g. with medication (GPP, conditional recommendation)R 5.2Excessive glucose intake should be avoided because it may be responsible for hyperglycemia (LoE 1−, RG A, strong recommendation), causes increased lipogenesis and fat tissue deposition together with subsequent liver steatosis and enhanced production of VLDL triglycerides by the liver (LOE 2+, RG B, strong recommendation), and may cause increased CO2 production and minute ventilation (LoE 2+, RG B, strong recommendation)R 5.3Glucose intake does not lower protein catabolism in the acute phase of critical illness (LoE 1−, RG A, strong recommendation)R 5.4Recommended parenteral glucose supply in (pre)term newborns in mg/kg per min (g/kg per day) (LoE 2+, RG B, conditional Tabled 1Day 1Day 2 onwardsStart withIncrease gradually over 2–3 days toPreterm newborn4–8 (5.8–11.5)Target 8–10 (11.5–14.4)Min 4 (5.8); max 12 (17.3)Term newborn2.5–5 (3.6–7.2)Target 5–10 (7.2–14.4)Min 2.5 (3.6); max 12 (17.3) Open table in a new tab R 5.5Newborns < 28 days of age, who have an episode of acute illness such as infection or sepsis, should temporarily receive the carbohydrate supply of day 1 (R5.4), guided by the blood glucose levels (GPP, conditional recommendation)R 5.6Recommended parenteral glucose supply in infants and children according to body weight and phase of illness. The units are mg/kg/min (g/kg per day) (LoE 1+, RG A, strong recommendation)Tabled 1Acute phaseStable phaseRecovery phase28 d–10 kg2–4 (2.9–5.8)4–6 (5.8–8.6)6–10 (8.6–14)11–30 kg1.5–2.5 (2.2–3.6)2–4 (2.8–5.8)3–6 (4.3–8.6)31–45 kg1–1.5 (1.4–2.2)1.5–3 (2.2–4.3)3–4 (4.3–5.8)>45 kg0.5–1 (0.7–1.4)1–2(1.4–2.9)2–3 (2.9–4.3) Open table in a new tab Acute phase = resuscitation phase when the patient requires vital organ support (sedation, mechanical ventilation, vasopressors, fluid resuscitation).Stable phase = patient is stable on, or can be weaned, from this vital support.Recovery phase = patient who is mobilizing.R 5.7Blood glucose measurements should preferably be performed on equipment validated for use such as blood gas analysers (LoE 2+, RG B, strong recommendation)R 5.8Hyperglycaemia >8 mmol/L (145 mg/dL) should be avoided in paediatric ICU patients because of increased morbidity and mortality (LoE 1+, RG A, strong recommendation)R 5.9In children in the PICU, repetitive blood glucose levels >10 mmol/L (180 mg/dL) should be treated with continuous insulin infusion (LoE 1+, RG A, strong recommendation)R 5.10Hyperglycaemia >8 mmol/L (145 mg/dL) should be avoided in neonatal ICU patients because it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality (LoE 2−, RG B, strong recommendation)R 5.11In neonates in the NICU, repetitive blood glucose levels >10 mmol/L (180 mg/dL) should be treated with insulin therapy, when reasonable adaptation of glucose infusion rate has been insufficient (LoE 2++, RG 0, conditional recommendation)R 5.12Repetitive and/or prolonged hypoglycaemia ≤2.5 mmol/L (45 mg/dL) should be avoided in all ICU patients (extrapolated LoE 2+, RG 0, strong recommendation) Open table in a new tab Literature Search Medline search, Pub-Med search, Embase, expert search Search conducted on 30.11.2014 and on 17.09.2016 Timeframe: publications from <1946 to 17.09.2016>. Type of publications: original papers, meta-analyses and overviews Key words: children, parenteral nutrition, glucose, carbohydrate, energy-resource, insulin, critical illness Language: English