Improving the use of water in irrigated agriculture is meaningful in a period of increasing water scarcity conditions. A more accurate estimate of evapotranspiration (ET) and its components thus becomes fundamental to better quantify the irrigation water volumes. Many existing models, based on different remote sensing data, provide daily estimates of latent heat flux (LE) from correlation between net radiation and instantaneous estimates of LE, computed as residual component of the energy balance equation or from a correlation of land surface temperature (LST) with vegetation indices., However, they mainly lack of solutions which are continuous in time (e.g. hourly), independent from satellite LST availability and a simultaneous estimation of soil moisture. Addressing this gap, a double two-sources energy-water balance model (FEST‐2×2‐EWB) is developed based on the decoupling of both water and energy fluxes between the bare soil or grass interrow and the trees rows. This novel parameterization approach enables the differentiation of water uptake from the root zone, which varies between tall trees and grass, considering the dynamics of soil moisture (SM) in the superficial and deep layers. Additionally, it provides partitioned values for transpiration and evaporation. The new model has been evaluated in two irrigated trees fields in the North of Italy, a walnut trees field from 2019 to 2021 and a pear trees field, for the year 2022. Results of the study showcased a root-mean-square-error (RMSE) of about 55 W m− 2 and a bias of about 40 W m− 2 for hourly latent and sensible heat fluxes when compared to the eddy covariance stations located in the fields, while a RMSE of 2 °C (bias of 1.5 °C) for LST and of 0.04 for SM. The FEST‐2×2‐EWB model significantly enhances the accuracy of ET simulation in fruits trees areas in respect to the original one source and one-layer version of the same model. Finally, the application of an irrigation optimization strategy with this new model, allowed to demonstrate its potentiality in water saving (about 90 mm in a year) in respect to farmers applied irrigation, and with a difference of about 60 mm between using the double two-sources model and single source one.