This study’s goal was to identify patterns of risk and promotive factors across multiple social-ecological domains and their associations with adolescents’ problem behaviors (aggression, substance use, and other delinquent behaviors), victimization, and distress symptoms. Participants were a mostly African American (79%) sample of 2711 middle school students (M age = 12.7; 52% female) in urban neighborhoods who completed measures of 13 risk and promotive factors and adjustment. Ratings were also obtained from teachers. Latent profile analysis identified four subgroups: high risk/low promotive (10% of the sample), moderate risk/low promotive (36%), low risk/low promotive (15%), and low risk/high promotive (38%). Subgroups varied in student- and teacher-reported aggression, problem behaviors, victimization, and distress. The findings indicated that risk and promotive factors tend to operate together and in distinct patterns rather than in isolation. This suggests researchers move beyond variable-centered analyses of limited sets of risk and protective factors.