Hypoxia, induced by inadequate oxygen supply, is a key indication of various major illnesses, which necessitates the need to develop new nanoprobes capable of sensing hypoxia environments for the targeted system monitoring and drug delivery. Herein, we report a hypoxia-responsive, periodic mesoporous organosilica (PMO) nanocarrier for repairing hypoxia damage. β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) capped azobenzene functionalization on the PMO surface could be effectively cleaved by azoreductase under a hypoxia environment. Moreover, the nanosystem is equipped with fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) pair (tetrastyrene derivative (TPE) covalently attached to the PMO framework as the donor and Rhodamine B (RhB) in the mesopores as the receptor) for intracellular visualization and tracking of drug release in real-time. The design of intelligent nanocarriers capable of simultaneous reporting and treating of hypoxia conditions highlights a great potential in the biomedical domain.