In this paper, iron and nitrogen co-doped carbon material with nanotube structure (Fe/N-CCM-T) was synthesized by pyrolyzing a mixture of Fe salt, chitosan and melamine and displayed high electrocatalytic performance for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The structure of the Fe/N-CCM-T was characterized and their ORR performance in alkaline media was investigated by linear sweep voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. Fe/N-CCM-T displayed better ORR performance than other carbon materials like Fe/N-CC-800. The Fe/N-CCM-800 with a large surface area (302.5 m2/g) especially exhibited the best ORR electrocatalytic performance among the prepared carbon materials, which was also proved by its similar Tafel slope (76 mV decade−1) to Pt/C catalyst (74 mV decade−1). Fe/N-CCM-800 showed similar ORR activity as commercial Pt/C catalyst, but superior tolerance to methanol and stability. Such high ORR performance of the Fe/N-CCM-T can be attributed to its nanotube structure, high specific surface area (SSA), high graphitic-N and pyridinic-N contents.