We retrieve unknown nonlinear large space-time dependent forces burdened with the vibrating nonlinear Euler-Bernoulli beams under varied boundary data, comprising two-end fixed, cantilevered, clamped-hinged, and simply supported conditions in this study. Even though some researchers used several schemes to overcome these forward problems of Euler-Bernoulli beams; however, an effective numerical algorithm to solve these inverse problems is still not available. We cope with the homogeneous boundary conditions, initial data, and final time datum for each type of nonlinear beam by employing a variety of boundary shape functions. The unknown nonlinear large external force can be recuperated via back-substitution of the solution into the nonlinear Euler-Bernoulli beam equation when we acquire the solution by utilizing the boundary shape function scheme and deal with a small-scale linear system to gratify an additional right-side boundary data. For the robustness and accuracy, we reveal that the current schemes are substantiated by comparing the recuperated numerical results of four instances to the exact forces, even though a large level of noise up to 50% is burdened with the overspecified conditions. The current method can be employed in the online real-time computation of unknown force functions in space-time for varied boundary supports of the vibrating nonlinear beam.