Outcomes of 12 Weeks of Schroth and Asymmetric Spinal Stabilization Exercises on Cobb Angle, Angle of Trunk Rotation, and Quality of Life in Adolescent Boys with Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Randomized-controlled Trial.
The available evidence on the efficiency of well-known Schroth's exercises (SE) for correcting adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is limited, especially in combination with the asymmetric spinal stabilization exercises (ASSE) method. Therefore, we hypothesized that, first, there is no difference in the efficiency of the combined exercises (SE+ASSE) and SE alone in improving Cobb angle, angle of trunk rotation (ATR), and quality of life (QoL) in AIS. Second, there is no difference in the efficiency of SE and no intervention on corresponding variables in treating AIS.