Background: We sought to evaluate the ability of ChatGPT, an AI-powered online chatbot, to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). Methods: Seven FAQs regarding SCFE were presented to ChatGPT. Initial responses were recorded and compared with evidence-based literature and reputable online resources. Responses were subjectively rated as “excellent response requiring no further clarification,” “satisfactory response requiring minimal clarification,” “satisfactory response requiring moderate clarification,” or “unsatisfactory response requiring substantial clarification.” Results: ChatGPT was frequently able to provide satisfactory responses that required only minimal clarification. One response received an excellent rating and required no further clarification, while only 1 response from ChatGPT was rated unsatisfactory and required substantial clarification. Conclusions: ChatGPT is able to frequently provide satisfactory responses to FAQs regarding SCFE while appropriately reiterating the importance of always consulting a medical professional.