The Pull-up (PU) is a multi-joint upper body exercise that is included in the physical fitness assessments for tactical occupations such as police, firefighters, and military personnel. This study aimed to evaluate the post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) in the PU exercise using elastic resistance training (ERT) and traditional resistance training (RT). A total of 18 resistance-trained male firefighters (28.3 [5.6] years; 178.1 [6.8] cm; 78.1 [8.2] kilograms; 24.6 [2.4] kg·m-2) participated in the study and performed four PAPE protocols in a cross-over fashion. Two protocols consisted of three sets of 3 repetitions at 75 and 85% of the maximum repetition (RM) in the lat pull down (LPD-M and LPD-H, respectively). The other two protocols consisted of three sets of 3 repetitions using elastic bands for vertical traction (VTEB) at “moderate” (VTEB- M) and “hard” intensity (VTEB-H), based on the Thera Band perceived exertion scale. Repetitions until failure in the PU exercise were measured before and after the application of the four protocols, with an 8-minute pause before and after the PAPE. Results showed a significant increase on repetitions until exhaustion after all PAPE protocols: LPD-M (P=0.007, d=0.19), LPD-H (P=0.023, d=0.17), VTEB-M (P=0.01, d=0.13) and VTEB-H (P=0.001, d=0.28). The use of ERT and traditional RT at moderate and high intensities represent a proper stimulus for the generation of PAPE in the PU. Keywords: Physical performance, conditioning activity, warm-up exercise, muscle power