This article proposes a new hashing framework named relational consistency induced self-supervised hashing (RCSH) for large-scale image retrieval. To capture the potential semantic structure of data, RCSH explores the relational consistency between data samples in different spaces, which learns reliable data relationships in the latent feature space and then preserves the learned relationships in the Hamming space. The data relationships are uncovered by learning a set of prototypes that group similar data samples in the latent feature space. By uncovering the semantic structure of the data, meaningful data-to-prototype and data-to-data relationships are jointly constructed. The data-to-prototype relationships are captured by constraining the prototype assignments generated from different augmented views of an image to be the same. Meanwhile, these data-to-prototype relationships are preserved to learn informative compact hash codes by matching them with these reliable prototypes. To accomplish this, a novel dual prototype contrastive loss is proposed to maximize the agreement of prototype assignments in the latent feature space and Hamming space. The data-to-data relationships are captured by enforcing the distribution of pairwise similarities in the latent feature space and Hamming space to be consistent, which makes the learned hash codes preserve meaningful similarity relationships. Extensive experimental results on four widely used image retrieval datasets demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Besides, the proposed method achieves promising performance in out-of-domain retrieval tasks, which shows its good generalization ability. The source code and models are available at