Microcontroller based drip irrigation system using smart sensor
Nilesh Patel,Rahul B. Lanjewar,Swarup S. Mathurkar,Ashwin A. Bhandekar
In the past couple of decades, there is rapid growth in terms of technology in the field of agriculture. Different monitoring and controlled systems are installed in order to increase the yield. The yield rate may deceases due to numerous factors. Disease is one of the key factors that cause the degradation of yield. So the developed monitoring system mainly focuses on predicting the start of germination of the disease. Sensor module is used to detect different environmental condition across the farm and the sensed data is displayed on Liquid crystal display using microcontroller. Microcontroller wirelessly transmits different environment conditions across the farm to central unit where data is stored, and analysed. Central unit checks the present data with disease condition and if matches then it commands microcontroller to operate relay. Sensor module is tested for different temperature range and it is found that there are little variations in recorded values. Wireless data transfer is tested with the introduction of various obstacles like wall, metal body, magnet, etc. and it is found that same data is transferred to central unit but with some amount of delay in it. The developed system nearly predicts the start of germination of disease.