Fire is a very dangerous situation that needs to be prevented before something out of the ordinary happens. It is imperative to monitor fire conditions closely; otherwise, this may result in numerous property and human losses. One of the essential and significant uses of IoT is fire detection and fire hazard prevention. It can identify fires early and notify fire control centers. This paper proposes a smart fire detection and control system that uses temperature, smoke, flame, LDR, and MQ2 sensors to determine the fire's speed and intensity. In addition to transmitting the most recent situational information, this proposed Internet of Things-based fire monitoring and control system also takes the required corrective action. The NodeMCU board serves as the building block for the fire alarm system, relaying information to fire control centers and setting off the alarms in accordance with the intensity of the fire. The system will trigger an alarm and send a notification to the fire control centers via the Blynk cloud whenever a flame is detected and has the potential to spread. Depending on the intensity of the fire, the fire extinguisher and water sprinkler will activate simultaneously.