Bacterial infection-related diseases are a serious issue that threatens human health, and it is highly desirable to develop a high-performance antibacterial agent to combat it. Herein, copper/cobalt-based metal sulfide nanoparticles (CCS NPs) as a new kind of antibacterial nanozyme were prepared by a facile hydrothermal method. Owing to its rich chemical states, the CCS NPs with intrinsic peroxidase- and oxidase-like activities could generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) to exert bactericidal capacity. The CCS NPs could also rapidly deplete glutathione (GSH) to aggravate the oxidative stress in bacteria, thus enhancing the sterilization effect. The results showed that, with the assistance of H2O2 at low concentrations, CCS NPs possessing peroxidase-like, oxidase-like, and GSH depletion activities could achieve remarkable antibacterial effects in vitro. The in vivo implantation demonstrated that CCS NPs with triple enzyme-like activities had efficient bacteria elimination and good biocompatibility in treating bacteria-infected wounds, indicating its wide potential application in the non-antibiotic treatment of bacteria-infected wounds.