Multimodal MR brain tumor segmentation is one of the hottest issues in the community of medical image processing. However, acquiring the complete set of MR modalities is not always possible in clinical practice, due to the acquisition protocols, image corruption, scanner availability, scanning cost or allergies to certain contrast materials. The missing information can cause some restraints to brain tumor diagnosis, monitoring, treatment planning and prognosis. Thus, it is highly desirable to develop brain tumor segmentation methods to address the missing modalities problem. Based on the recent advancements, in this review, we provide a detailed analysis of the missing modality issue in MR-based brain tumor segmentation. First, we briefly introduce the biomedical background concerning brain tumor, MR imaging techniques, and the current challenges in brain tumor segmentation. Then, we provide a taxonomy of the state-of-the-art methods with five categories, namely, image synthesis-based method, latent feature space-based model, multi-source correlation-based method, knowledge distillation-based method, and domain adaptation-based method. In addition, the principles, architectures, benefits and limitations are elaborated in each method. Following that, the corresponding datasets and widely used evaluation metrics are described. Finally, we analyze the current challenges and provide a prospect for future development trends. This review aims to provide readers with a thorough knowledge of the recent contributions in the field of brain tumor segmentation with missing modalities and suggest potential future directions.