A middle ear infection occurs due to the presence of several microorganisms behind the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and is very challenging to treat due to its unique location and requires a well-designed treatment. If not treated properly, the infection can result in severe symptoms and unavoidable side effects. In this study, excellent biocompatible ethyl cellulose (EC) and biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) biopolymer were used to fabricate drug-loaded nanofiber scaffolds using an electrospinning technique to overcome antibiotic overdose and insufficient efficacy of drug release during treatment. PHB polymer was produced from Halomonas sp., and the purity of PHB was found to around be 90 %. Additionally, ciprofloxacin (CIP) and amoxicillin (AMX) are highly preferable since both drugs are highly effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria to treat several infections. Obtained smooth nanofibers were between 116.24 and 171.82 nm in diameter and the addition of PHB polymer and antibiotics improved the morphology of the nanofiber scaffolds. Thermal properties of the nanofiber scaffolds were tested and the highest T