Neuroprotective potential of topiramate, pregabalin and lacosamide combination in a rat model of acute SE and intractable epilepsy: perspectives from electroencephalographic, neurobehavioral and regional degenerative analysis
The lithium-pilocarpine model is commonly used to recapitulate characteristics of human intractable focal epilepsy. In the current study, we explored the impact of topiramate (TPM) alone and in combination with pregabalin and lacosamide administration for 6 weeks on the evolution of spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRS) and disease-modifying potential on associated neuropsychiatric comorbidities. In addition, redox impairments and neurodegeneration in hippocampus regions vulnerable to temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) were assessed by cresyl violet staining. Results revealed that acute electrophysiological (EEG) profiling of the ASD cocktail markedly halted sharp ictogenic spikes as well as altered dynamics of brain wave oscillations thus validating the need for polytherapy vs. monotherapy. In TLE animals, pharmacological intervention for 6 weeks with topiramate 10 mg/kg in combination with PREG and LAC at the dose of 20 mg/kg exhibited marked protection from SRS incidence, improved body weight, offensive aggression, anxiety-like behavior, cognitive impairments, and depressive-like behavior (p < 0.05). Moreover, combination therapy impeded redox impairments as evidenced by decreased MDA and AchE levels and increased activity of antioxidant SOD, GSH enzymes. Furthermore, polytherapy rescued animals from SE-induced neurodegeneration with increased neuronal density in CA1, CA3c, CA3ab, hilus, and granular cell layer (GCL) of the dentate gyrus. In conclusion, early polytherapy with topiramate in combination with pregabalin and lacosamide prompted synergy and prevented epileptogenesis with associated psychological and neuropathologic alterations.