Solar district heating systems reduce carbon emissions effectively. Large-scale water pit thermal energy storages (PTES) have high heat capacities, low costs per cubic volume, and long lifetimes. Integrating PTES with a solar heating system can significantly increase solar heating efficiency and alleviate the time and climate constraints of renewable energy. An improved TRNSYS semi-analytical model of PTES (Type 1535–1301) is proposed based on the finite difference method. The model is characterized by discretizing the energy equation and then combining it with the analytical solution of the full differential equation to find the temperature variation. The model is validated with a full year measurement on a Danish PTES. In addition, a parametric investigation of grid discretization, storage geometry, soil properties, and diffuser location is performed. The control strategies are investigated to best utilize the PTES for demand response. The results indicate that the Type 1535–1301 model accurately predicts the year-round thermal performance of the PTES. The differences between the calculated and measured energies are lower than 1.3 %, and the differences between the calculated and measured temperatures are lower than 2.8 K. With an increase of the slope angle of the PTES side wall, the top and side heat losses decrease, and the storage temperature and thermal stratification effectiveness improve. Furthermore, the relative Fourier number (Fom) is proposed to represent the soil thermal diffusivity. The rise of Fom leads to an increase of heat loss and a decrease of storage efficiency. The analysis show that the top diffuser is best located at the highest position, and the bottom diffuser is best placed at the lowest position. At the same time, the middle diffuser is best placed at 29 % of the total volume from top to bottom. The semi-analytical model in this paper decreases the annual heat transfer computation time for a single grid to 57 ms. The model has been embedded into TRNSYS for convenient system prediction. The findings of this paper can be used as a reference for engineering practice and subsequent research.