Mantle properties and metasomatic processes, together with interlayer interactions at orogenic belts are still under debate. The post-collisional magmatic rocks could provide secondhand constraints on these issues. Hereby, an integrated geochronologic, geochemical, and isotopic study was conducted on post-collisional Zhanwa dolerites, Dashui granodiorite–monzonite-monzogabbro complex, and Jiuzigou pyroxenite–syenite complex at West Qinling. The Zhanwa dolerites, being tholeiitic with flat trace elemental pattern, were mixtures of melts from asthenospheric and oceanic slab-fluid-metasomatized lithospheric mantles. The Dashui monzonite-monzogabbro suite is ultrapotassic with strongly right-inclined trace elemental pattern and evolved isotopic composition (( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) i = 0.7066–0.7068, ε Nd ( t ) = -4.56 to -4.35, ε Hf ( t ) = -3.14 to -2.35, and ( 206 Pb/ 204 Pb) i = 17.99–18.12)). It derived from melting of continent-crustal materials-metasomatized mantle. In contrast, the Dashui granodiorites are shoshonitic–calc-alkaline with more evolved isotopic compositions with ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) i , ε Nd ( t ), ε Hf ( t ), and ( 206 Pb/2 04 Pb) i of 0.7074–0.7091, -7.56 to -5.51, -5.61 to -3.53, and 18.18–18.46, respectively. They represent hybrids of mantle-derived K-rich and crustal-derived felsic melts. The Jiuzigou complex holds extremely high trace elemental contents. Its mantle source was metasomatized by both oceanic crustal fluids and sedimentary melts. Generation of these rocks (ca. 235–223 Ma) not only recorded multiple mantle metasomatism, but also captured collective asthenospheric and lithospheric magmatic responses at a post-collisional setting.