On Designing Experiment Teaching for Undergraduates’ Effective Learning of Logistics Distribution Center Planning and Management Course Based on PBL and BOPPPS
The experiment teaching plays an essential role in the undergraduates' effective learning of the logistics distribution center planning and management course. In this study, according to the characteristics of the course, the author proposes an experiment teaching design based on PBL and BOPPPS. In this design, considering the close connection between the contents of the course and various logistics planning problems, PBL is used to establish the framework of the experiment teaching of the logistics distribution center planning and management course. Then, to realize the PBL based experiment teaching framework, BOPPPS that carries out the PBL in a precise way is employed to design the specific teaching procedure for the experiment. The integration of PBL and BOPPPS provides a helpful design thinking to improve the effectiveness of the undergraduates' learning of the logistics distribution center planning and management course. It can also be applied in the course teaching of different specialties in the undergraduate education.