X Y Chen,Jiaxiang Qin,L‐Y. TANG,R R Zhang
To construct and develop the home self-sampling processes of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) detection and evaluate its application effect. An integrated HPV self-sampling detection platform is scheduled to include three terminals: a user terminal, a detection terminal and a medical terminal. It covers a wide range of functions of self-sampling kit acquisition of user, sample logistics tracking, inspection services, report query, medical consultation, health management, and follow-up tracking. A total of 8 053 users applied for self-sampling kits and all completed online user information registration from January to November 2020. The average age of users ranged from 17 to 84 with a median age of 42 years old. Registered users of the platform were distributed in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hebei, Shanxi, Shanghai, Ningxia, Anhui, Zhejiang, Inner Mongolia, Beijing and Xinjiang. 8 045 users completed self-sampling with a kit return rate of 99.9%. Six users lost the kits during the express delivery, and 2 users had the kits contaminated due to improper application; The amount of exfoliated cells collected from 8 045 cases in the sample kits were all within the endogenous internal standard of the nucleic acid kit, and the qualified rate of kits was 100%. The proportion of test report issued by the detection platform within 3 d accounts for 96.93% (7 799/8 054). Among the 763 positive users, 742 completed 6-month reexamination, with a reexamination rate of 97.25%. Unfortunately, 21 cases were lost to follow-up. Taken together, HPV home-based self-sampling is simple, convenient and efficient in use. It can expand the coverage of cervical cancer screening and may help promote HPV screening.