Pancytopenia is a common cause of hematological consultation. Common underlying causes include vitamin deficiency (vitamin B12, folic acid), drugs (hydroxyurea, phenytoin, methotrexate), and bone marrow failure syndrome. Aplastic anemia is one of the rarest hematological diseases and presents as pancytopenia. However, it is the most sinister one and is a hematological emergency that needs urgent medical attention. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is a measure of disease severity and is expected to be low in patients with pancytopenia of any cause. Aim & Objective: We aimed to analyze the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) level in patients presenting with pancytopenia. Material & Method: This prospective, observational study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in northern India. We included patients with pancytopenia diagnosed at our center or reported to our center for therapy. ANC was measured before starting therapy. Observation: One hundred twenty-seven patients were included in this study. After evaluation, megaloblastic anemia was the commonest underlying cause in 42 (33%) patients followed by myelodysplastic syndrome in 31 (24.4%) patients. Twenty-three (18.1%) patients having pancytopenia were diagnosed with aplastic anemia. Other causes included leukemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and drugs. The median age was 37 years (range 18-75 years), and 67 (52.75%) were male. The mean hemoglobin was 5.5 g/dL (95% CI ±1.9). The median WBC was 2570/cmm (300-3130) and the median platelet was 36000/cmm (2000-92000). The median ANC in patients with aplastic anemia was 594/cmm (range 25- 3850). When compared, the ANC level was significantly lower in aplastic anemia than other causes of pancytopenia (p<0.001). Conclusion: On univariate and multivariate analysis ANC was significantly lower at baseline in patients of aplastic anemia. A longer follow-up of the patients will be required to assess the value of ANC in predicting response to therapy.