NaCl is fundamental for the development of the physico-chemical, sensorial and microbiological stability in meat products made from whole pieces such as dry-cured lacón, loin, ham, bacon, jerked beef, and pastirma). The substitution of NaCl by other chloride salts (KCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2), in order to minimize changes in the processing steps and insertion of new ingredients, is a major challenge for the elaboration of salted meat products in the context of increasing awareness among consumer about sodium consumption and health. This review aims to discuss the potential use of binary, ternary and quaternary salting mixtures in the processing of salted meat products and their effects on microbiological evolution and safety, sensory properties, oxidative reactions on proteins and lipid, and proteolysis and lipolysis reactions. More specifically, the substitution of NaCl by other chloride salts can influence the growth of microorganisms, the formation of toxic compounds, progression of enzymatic and oxidative reactions, and the sensory attributes. Scientific evidences from a food technological point of view, support the use of KCl to partially replace NaCl while major advances/more sophisticated strategies are still necessary to effectively introduce CaCl2 and MgCl2 as NaCl replacers. Moreover, further studies regarding the shelf-life and economic problems of the alternatively salted products are still necessary.