Glueokinase (GK), glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase), phosphoenolpyruvate earboxyki-nase (PEPCK),fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) and glycogen phosphorylase (GR) are key enzymes of glucose metabolism in liver. Diabetes mellitus is charaeterized by the decreased activity of GK and elevated activity of G-6-Pase ,PEPCK, FBPase and GR. A promising area of current research involves the use of activa-tor or inhibitor of these enzymes to lower blood glucose and normalize insulin seeretion. Therefore, these five key enzymes are expected to be the novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Key words:
Diabetes mellitus; Hepatoeytes ; Key enzymes ; Glucose metabolism