异氰酸酯单体、线型热塑性聚氨酯弹性体、双酚A型环氧树脂在催化剂的作用下,可制备出环氧改性聚氨酯树脂。通过显微照片分析:制备树脂膜表面的光泽度更高,孔隙更少。通过附着力测试分析:制备树脂模在金属基、高分子基表面的附着力为0级;通过对色谱分析反应过程中收集到的低沸物进行计算,环氧改性聚氨酯树脂接枝率达到65%。 The epoxy modified polyurethane resin can be prepared under the catalyst action of isocyanate monomer and linear thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer and bisphenola epoxy resin. Through the micrograph analysis: the preparation of resin membrane surface is glossiness higher and pore less. Through the adhesion testing analysis: the adhesion of prepared resin mold on the surface of metal matrix and polymer matrix is level 0; through the calculation of collected low boiling of chromatographic analysis reaction process, the grafting rate reaches 65%.