Manganese-based layered oxides are one of the most promising cathodes for Na-ion batteries, but the prospect of their practical application is challenged by high sensitivity to ambient air. The stacking structure of materials is critical to the aging mechanism between layered oxides and air, but there remains a lack of systematic study. Herein, comprehensive research on model materials P-type Na0.50MnO2 and O-type Na0.85MnO2 reveals that the O-phase displays a much higher dynamic affinity toward moisture air compared to P-type compounds. For air-exposed O-type material, Na+ ions are extracted from the crystal lattice to form alkaline species at the surface in contact with air, accompanying by the increase of the valence state of transition metals. The series of undesired reactions result in an increase of interfacial resistance and huge capacity loss. Comparatively, the insertion of H2O into the Na layer is the main reaction during air-exposure of P-type material, and the inserted H2O can be extracted by high-temperature treatment. The H2O de/insertion process not only causes no performance degradation but also can enlarge the interlayer distance. With these understandings, we further propose a washing–resintering strategy to recover the performance of aged O-type materials and an aging strategy to build high-performance P-type materials.