The performance of seawater hybrid NF/RO desalination plant including permeate conductivity; permeate flow rate and permeate recovery. Under different feed parameters time, inlet temperature, inlet pressure, inlet conductivity and inlet flow rate were modelled by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) back-propagation based on Levenberg– Marquardt training algorithm. The optimal ANN model had a 5-8-3 architecture with a hyperbolic tangent transfer function in hidden layer and linear transfer function at the output layer. The ability of ANN performed model was compared with multiple linear regression (MLR). The results show that MLR is not satisfactory for predicting the performance of NF/RO hybrid desalination process with a correlation coefficient about 0.6. The trained ANN model has presented a good agreement between the prediction and the experimental data during the training with reasonable statistical metrics values (RMSE, MAE and AARD). The coefficient of determination values for the prediction of permeate conductivity, permeate flow rate and recovery by ANN were 0.969, 0.942, and 0.963, respectively. Therefore, the ANN model can successfully predict the performance of NF/RO hybrid seawater desalination plant.