The Brazilian economic scenario promotes sustainable development by, among other actions, reducing the pressure on the expansion of electricity capacity. Furthermore, efficiency and reliability may be achieved through regulations and standardised production. From this perspective, there is a steadfast need for continuous improvement in the process of certification of products in the country. This shall apply to the energy sector, in which certifications of LED (light-emitting diode) lamps are part of the Brazilian Labelling Program (PBE), coordinated by Inmetro (Brazilian accreditation body). PBE seeks to provide technical information about the products to support consumers’ choices, stimulating industry competitiveness and improve equipment reliability. From this standpoint, this article presents an analysis of the certification process of LED lamps to propose reviewing requirements into the current label which might help to change the consumers’ energy consumption-related decision-making using the multi-criteria decision-making method (MCDM), TOPSIS. To this end, not only energy efficiency was observed but also other aspects of generated light quality and power quality currently considered as requirements for compulsory LED lighting certification.