Although the contact electrification (CE) (or usually called 'triboelectrification') effect has been known for over 2600 years, its scientific mechanism still remains debated after decades. Interest in studying CE has been recently revisited due to the invention of triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), which are the most effective approach for converting random, low-frequency mechanical energy (called high entropy energy) into electric power for distributed energy applications. This review is composed of three parts that are coherently linked, ranging from basic physics, through classical electrodynamics, to technological advances and engineering applications. First, the mechanisms of CE are studied for general cases involving solids, liquids and gas phases. Various physics models are presented to explain the fundamentals of CE by illustrating that electron transfer is the dominant mechanism for CE for solid-solid interfaces. Electron transfer also occurs in the CE at liquid-solid and liquid-liquid interfaces. An electron-cloud overlap model is proposed to explain CE in general. This electron transfer model is extended to liquid-solid interfaces, leading to a revision of the formation mechanism of the electric double layer at liquid-solid interfaces. Second, by adding a time-dependent polarization term