This paper is to study cotorsion pairs and abelian model structures on some Morita rings \ $\Lambda =\left(\begin{smallmatrix} A & {}_AN_B {}_BM_A & B\end{smallmatrix}\right)$. From cotorsion pairs $(\mathcal U, \mathcal X)$ and $(\mathcal V, \mathcal Y)$, respectively in $A$-Mod and $B$-Mod, one constructs 4 kinds of cotorsion pairs in $\Lambda$-Mod. There even exists an algebra $\Lambda$ such that the four cotorsion pairs above are pairwise different. The heredity and completeness of these cotorsion pairs are studied. The problem of identifications, namely, when the first two cotorsion pairs are the same, and when the second two cotorsion pairs are the same, is investigated. Various model structures on $\Lambda$\mbox{-}{\rm Mod} are obtained, by explicitly giving the corresponding Hovey triples and Quillen's homotopy categories. In particular, cofibrantly generated Hovey triples, and the Gillespie-Hovey triples induced by compatible generalized projective (respectively, injective) cotorsion pairs, are explicitly contructed.