We performed the spectral measurements of a niobium based Josephson junction array in order to estimate the linewidth of Josephson emission. The array is formed by 9996 serially connected Nb/NbSi/Nb Josephson junctions occupying the area of 5×7 mm 2 on a silicon substrate and divided into 7 distinct subarrays. The array was immersed in a liquid helium dewar from where the emission was brought to open space via an oversize waveguide. Firstly, the measurements on a Fourier-transform spectrometer were carried out in a wide frequency range 139–343 GHz at almost all self-induced steps of current-voltage curve. As in our previous work, the observed linewidth of Josephson emission corresponded to the resolution of the spectrometer. Then, we carried out more precise and sensitive measurements using the 211–275 GHz heterodyne receiver based on a Nb/AlOx/Nb mixer with a spectral resolution better than 0.1 MHz. Dependencies of the linewidth on the step number and on the number of connected subarrays are studied. The peaks corresponding to the 2 nd harmonic of the Josephson generation are also observed in the spectra. The linewidth of the main harmonic down to 1.5 MHz was observed in these measurements.